DG467 .D84 1994
A concise history of Italy / |
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DG467 .D84 2014
A concise history of Italy / |
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DG467 .F65 2020eb
The fishing net and the spider web : Mediterranean imaginaries and the making of Italians / |
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DG467 .G55 2011
The pursuit of Italy : a history of a land, its regions, and their peoples / |
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DG467 .G7
Historical studies: |
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DG467 .G97 1972
A concise history of Italy. |
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DG467 .J3
The seven sovereign hills of Rome / |
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DG467 .K55 2002eb
The history of Italy / |
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DG467 .M1 1959
Italy; a modern history. |
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DG467 .M9
Annali d'Italia dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno MDCCXLIX / |
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DG467 .M9 1752
Annali d'Italia dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno MDCCL. |
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DG467 .M9 1786
Annali d'Italia : dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno MDCCL / |
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DG467 .M9 1788 Tables
Tavole cronologiche de'consoli ordinarj, papi, imperadori, re de' Romani, re d'Italia, prefetti di Roma, dogi di Venezia, e di Genova, de' quali si fa menzione negl' Annali d'Italia dal principio dell' era volgare sino all'anno MDCCL / |
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DG467 .M9 1789
Annali d'Italia dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno MDCCL : compilati da Ludovico Antonio Muratori, bibliotecario del serenissimo duca di Modena : continuati sino ai giorni nostri. |
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DG467 .P47 1992
Perspectives on Italy : essays in honor of Michael R. Campo / |
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DG467 .P48 1995
The proud Italians : our great civilizers / |
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DG467 .S18
Sommario della storia d'Italia; dai tempi preistorici ai nostri giorni. |
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DG467 .S18i
Italy. |
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DG467 .S5
A history of the Italian republics : being a view of the origin, progress and fall of Italian freedom / |
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DG468 .A1
Italy, and the war for Italian independence / |
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