Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK276 .V86 The Russians. 1
DK277 .H384 2013 Protest, reform and repression in Khrushchev's Soviet Union / 1
DK277 .R43 2016eb Reconsidering stagnation in the Brezhnev era : ideology and exchange / 1
DK278 .S47 1984 Dezinformatsia : active measures in Soviet strategy / 1
DK278 +S68 1987 Soviet influence activities : a report on active measures and propaganda, 1986-87. 1
DK280 Russophobia : propaganda in international politics / 1
DK282 Moscow, Germany, and the West from Khrushchev to Gorbachev / 1
DK282 .S36 2023 Defectors : how the illicit flight of Soviet citizens built the borders of the Cold War world / 1
DK282 .S63 1990 Moscow, Germany, and the West from Khrushchev to Gorbachev / 1
DK285.5 +S67 1991 Soviet events of 1989 & 1990 : as reported by The Express Chronicle : Digest of the CFD News Service Weekly Bulletin. 1
DK286 Soviet union 1988-1989 : perestroika in crisis? 1
DK286 .B75 1994 The Breakup of the Soviet Union : opposing viewpoints / 1
DK286 .E53 1993 End of empire : the demise of the Soviet Union / 1
DK286 +F54 2008 The fifteenth anniversary of the end of the Soviet Union : recollections and perspectives : conference proceedings / 1
DK286 .L48 1988 The Gorbachev phenomenon : a historical interpretation / 1
DK286 .L48 1991 The Gorbachev phenomenon : a historical interpretation / 1
DK286 .P79 1995 The strange death of the Soviet empire / 1
DK286 .S77 1998 Why did the Soviet Union collapse? : understanding historical change / 1
DK286.5 .C48 1990 Chronicle of a revolution : a western-Soviet inquiry into perestroika / 1
DK286.5 .D47 1992 Developments in Soviet and post-Soviet politics / 1