DS112 .R83 2009eb
New rituals old societies : invented rituals in contemporary Israel / |
1 |
DS112 .S39 2010eb
Were the Jews a Mediterranean society? : reciprocity and solidarity in ancient Judaism / |
1 |
DS112 .S425 2010
Were the Jews a Mediterranean society? : reciprocity and solidarity in ancient Judaism / |
1 |
DS112 .S55 2008
Palestine in late antiquity / |
1 |
DS112 .S8
The Jewish nation; containing an account of their manners and customs, rites and worship, laws and polity ... |
1 |
DS112 .T35 2016
Taking stock : cultures of enumeration in contemporary Jewish life / |
1 |
DS112 .T36 2009eb
Mountain against the sea : essays on Palestinian society and culture / |
1 |
DS112 .V2
Bible lands: their modern customs and manners illustrative of Scripture. |
1 |
DS112 .V3 1965
Ancient Israel, |
1 |
DS112 .V313 1961
Ancient Israel: its life and institutions / |
1 |
DS112 .W66 1991
The World of ancient Israel : sociological, anthropological, and political perspectives : essays by members of the Society for Old Testament Study / |
1 |
DS112 .Z39
Life is with people; the culture of the shtetl |
1 |
Violence and personhood in ancient Israel and comparative contexts / Between Jewish Posen and Scholarly Berlin : the Life and Letters of Philipp Jaffé. Jewish aspects in avant-garde : between rebellion and revelation / |
3 |
DS113 .A398 1993eb
After Jews and Arabs : remaking Levantine culture / |
1 |
DS113 .A46
Studies in nineteenth-century Jewish intellectual history. |
1 |
DS113 .B5
The legacy of Israel. |
1 |
DS113 .D3
Israel: its role in civilization. |
1 |
DS113 .D457 2000eb
The material culture of the Bible : an introduction / |
1 |
DS113 .F4413 2004
The Jewish enlightenment / |
1 |
DS113 .H43 1951
The Hebrew impact on western civilization / |
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