Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS122 Power and politics in Palestine : the Jews and the governing of their land, 100 BC-AD 70 / 1
DS122 .B34 1985 Jews in the Hellenistic world : Josephus, Aristeas, the Sibylline oracles, Eupolemus / 1
DS122 .B475 2021 Jews and their Roman rivals : Pagan Rome's challenge to Israel / 1
DS122 .B476 2017 Die Jüdische Revolution : Untersuchungen zu Ursachen, Verlauf und Folgen der hasmonäischen Erhebung. 1
DS122 .B66 1998 Pontius Pilate in history and interpretation / 1
DS122 .B82 Judaea weeping; the Jewish struggle against Rome from Pompey to Masada, 63 B.C. to A.D. 73 1
DS122 .C46 2013 Jewish leadership in Roman Palestine from 70 C.E. to 135 C.E / 1
DS122 .F2 The Herods, 1
DS122 .G76 1973 The Jews in the Roman world. 1
DS122 .H8 Judaism at Rome, B. C. 76 to A. D. 140, 1
DS122 .H88 1882 A history of the Jews in Rome. B.C. 160-A.D. 604. 1
DS122 .J48 The Jewish people in the first century. Historical geography, political history, social, cultural and religious life and institutions. 1
DS122 .J53 1998 Jews in a Graeco-Roman world / 1
DS122 .J53 1998eb Jews in a Graeco-Roman world / 1
DS122 .J55 2002 Jews in the Hellenistic and Roman cities / 1
DS122 .J55 2002eb Jews in the Hellenistic and Roman cities / 1
DS122 .J58 1998 Jewish local patriotism and self-identification in the Graeco-Roman period / 1
DS122 .J58 1998eb Jewish local patriotism and self-identification in the Graeco-Roman period / 1
DS122 .J83 The Jewish war, and other selections from Flavius Josephus. 1
DS122 .J83s The second Jewish Commonwealth; from the Maccabaean Rebellion to the outbreak of the Judaeo-Roman War. 1