Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS122.8 .F98 The Roman siege of Jerusalem. 1
DS122.8 .G66 1987 The ruling class of Judaea : the origins of the Jewish revolt against Rome, A.D. 66-70 / 1
DS122.8 .I8713 1973 When Jerusalem burned 1
DS122.8 .J49 2011 The Jewish revolt against Rome : interdisciplinary perspectives / 2
DS122.8 .J83 1959 The Jewish war / 1
DS122.8 .J83 1970 The Jewish war / 1
DS122.8 .J83 1997 The Jewish war / 1
DS122.8.J83 M33 2000eb Josephus and the politics of historiography : apologetic and impression management in the Bellum Judaicum / 1
DS122.8.J83 R34 1984 Josephus, the historian and his society / 1
DS122.8 .P75 1992 Jerusalem under siege : the collapse of the Jewish state, 66-70 C.E. / 1
DS122.8.S67 2008 The Jews against Rome. 1
DS122.9 Babatha's Orchard : the Yadin Papyri and an Ancient Jewish Family Tale Retold / 1
DS122.9 .J49 2014 Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries : How to Write Their History. 1
DS122.9 .P815 2005 Diaspora Judaism in turmoil, 116/117 CE : ancient sources and modern insights / 1
DS122.9 .S3 1981 Der Bar Kokhba-Aufstand : Studien zum zweiten jüdischen Krieg gegen Rom / 1
DS122.9 .Y12 Bar-Kokhba; the rediscovery of the legendary hero of the last Jewish revolt against Imperial Rome. 1
DS122.9 .Y3813 1987 The Jews in Roman imperial legislation / 1
DS123 .A2 The history of the Jews from the destruction of Jerusalem to the nineteenth century/ 1
DS123 .B4 The battle ground, 1
DS123 .B4 1936 The battleground; Syria and Palestine, the seedplot of religion 1