DS135.G5 R38 1995
Else Rauch : der Leidensweg einer Hamburger Lehrerin / |
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DS135.G5 R476 1999
Ne jamais désespérer : soixante années au service du peuple juif et des droits de l'homme / |
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DS135.G5 S3274 2001
Zwischen Riga und Locarno : Bericht über Hilde Schneider, Christin jüdischer Herkunft, Diakonisse, Ghetto- und KZ-Häftling, Gefängnispfarrerin / |
1 |
DS135.G5 S35755 2003
And the world closed its doors : the story of one family abandoned to the Holocaust / |
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DS135.G5 S46713
No. 12 Kaiserhofstrasse / |
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DS135.G5 S739 1992
The peppermint train : journey to a German-Jewish childhood / |
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DS135.G5 S7466 2000
Post im Schatten des Hakenkreuzes : das Schicksal der jüdischen Familie Sternberg in ihren Briefen von Berlin nach Tokyo in der Zeit von 1910 bis 1950 / |
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DS135.G5 S76 1999
In the eye of the storm : growing up Jewish in Germany, 1918-1943 : a memoir / |
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DS135.G5 S77 1997
Über dem Abgrund : eine jüdische Jugend in Deutschland, 1918-1943 / |
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DS135.G5 S7713 1999
Over the green hill : a German Jewish memoir, 1913-1943 / |
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DS135.G5 V474 1997
Rahel Varnhagen : the life of a Jewess / |
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DS135.G5 W338 1987
Commitment to the dead : one woman's journey toward understanding / |
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DS135.G5 W43 1985
Self-portrait of a Holocaust survivor / |
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DS135.G5 W468
Broken star, the Warburgs of Altona : their life in Germany and their death in the Holocaust / |
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DS135.G5 W54 1997
Alfred Wiener and the making of the Holocaust Library / |
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DS135.G5 W64 1999
Bad times, good people : a Holocaust survivor recounts his life in Italy during World War II / |
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The Fourth of August regime and Greek Jewry, 1936-1941 / |
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DS135.G7 B69 2009eb
The Agony of Greek Jews, 1940-1945. |
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DS135.G7 H36 2021
Child survivors of the Holocaust in Greece : memory, testimony and subjectivity / |
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DS135.G7 H65 2002
The Holocaust in Salonika : eyewitness accounts / |
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