Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135.H9 H46 1993 Christianity and the holocaust of Hungarian Jewry / 1
DS135.H9 H47 1980 "Gizelle, save the children!" / 1
DS135.H9 H57 2008 The Holocaust in Hungary : a selected and annotated bibliography, 2000-2007 / 1
DS135.H9 H58 The Holocaust in Hungary : an anthology of Jewish response / 1
DS135.H9 H59 1985 The Holocaust in Hungary : forty years later / 1
DS135.H9 H59 1997 The Holocaust in Hungary : fifty years later / 1
DS135.H9 H59 2006 The Holocaust in Hungary : sixty years later / 1
DS135.H9 H94 Hungarian-Jewish studies. 1
DS135.H9 K32513 2004eb Self-financing genocide : the gold train, the Becher case and the wealth of Hungarian Jews / 1
DS135.H9 K37 Hungary and the Jews : policy and legislation, 1920-1943 / 1
DS135.H9 L313 Operation Hazalah. 1
DS135.H9 L448 1980 Eichmann in Hungary; documents. 1
DS 135 H9 + L453 1983 Black book on the martydom of Hungarian Jewry. 1
DS135.H9 L58 1994 The living testify / 1
DS135.H9 M348 1994 The right path : the autobiography of a survivor / 1
DS135.H9 N39 1998 The Nazis' last victims : the Holocaust in Hungary / 1
DS135.H9 +N48 Nevek = Shemot = Names. 1
DS135.H9 P47 1991 Bridging three worlds : Hungarian-Jewish Americans, 1848-1914 / 1
DS135.H9 S78 1990 Studies on the Holocaust in Hungary / 1
DS135.H9 S93 2007 Previously unexplored sources on the Holocaust in Hungary : a selection from Jewish periodicals, 1930-1944 / 1