Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS44 .C7 1952 Caravan : the story of the Middle East. 1
DS44 +E85 1952 A selected and annotated bibliography of books and periodicals in Western languages dealing with the Near and Middle East, with special emphasis on mediaeval and modern times. 1
DS44 .L49 2001 The multiple identities of the Middle East / 1
DS44 .L85 The Middle East: a social geography. 1
DS44 +M62 Middle East and North Africa: a bibliography for undergraduate libraries 1
DS44 .M8 1957 Islam inflamed; a Middle East picture. 1
DS44 .S315 2008 The unmaking of the Middle East : a history of Western disorder in Arab lands / 1
DS44 +S38 The Middle East at war : a report to the publisher of Time, the weekly newsmagazine / 1
DS44 .S67 2014 An introduction to the modern Middle East : history, religion, political economy, politics / 1
DS44 +S84 The Arab world, 1
DS44 .U473 2004 Understanding the contemporary Middle East / 1
DS44 .W87 2008 Dreams and shadows : the future of the Middle East / 1
DS44.9 .I8 2012 Is there a Middle East? : the evolution of a geopolitical concept / 1
DS44.95 .H45 1994 Middle East patterns : places, peoples, and politics / 1
DS44.98 .B43 1983 Between Islam and Christendom : travellers, facts, and legends in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance / 1
DS44.98 .W56 2007 Who travels sees more : artists, architects and archaeologists discover Egypt and the Near East / 1
DS45 .B26 The sea peoples 1
DS45 .M25 The Early Dynastic period in Mesopotamia, 1
DS46 A lytell cronycle : Richard Pynson's translation (c. 1520) of La Fleur des histoires de la terre d'Orient (c. 1307), 1
DS46 .N313 1986 Nāṣer-e Khosraw's book of travels = (Safarnāma) / 1