Call Number (LC) Title Results
E-Book PQ2257.G2 .M9 The mystery of Orcival 1
E-Book PQ2286.A1 Les miserables. Saint Denis / 1
E-Book PQ2286.A39 .L4 Les misérables 1
E-Book PQ2286.A48 .H84 Les misérables. Jean Valjean / 1
E-Book PQ2286.A48 .L3 Les misérables. Fantine / 1
E-Book PQ2286.A48 .L4 Les misérables. Marius /
Les miserables. Cosette /
E-Book PQ2286 .Q39 A hero Jean Valjean / 1
E-Book PQ2311 Pensèes 1
E-Book PQ2349.A4 .M38 A selection from the writings of Guy de Maupassant. short stories of the tragedy and comedy of life / 1
E-Book PQ2349.A5 .M38 Short stories of the tragedy and comedy of life 1
E-Book PQ2349.M38 The works of Guy de Maupassant 1
E-Book PQ2369.A2 .F74 Frederic and Bernerette 1
E-Book PQ2386 The poetry of the Celtic races 1
E-Book PQ239 .T39 2014 Rewriting Arthurian romance in renaissance France from manuscript to printed book / 1
E-Book PQ2412 .D7 George Sand some aspects of her life and writings / 1
E-Book PQ2435 Vittoria Accoramboni Duchesse De Bracciano I
Le rouge et le noir
E-Book PQ2435 .L3 La duchesse de Palliano 1
E-Book PQ2469.A2 .U6 The underground city works of Jules Verne / 1
E-Book PQ2469 .A7 Around the world in eighty days 1
E-Book PQ2469 .B5 The blockade runners 1