E-Book PQ2623.E6 .S43
The secret of the night |
1 |
E-Book PQ2631.R63 Z54547 2001
The Cambridge companion to Proust / |
1 |
E-Book PQ2635
Cyrano de Bergerac a play in five acts / |
1 |
E-Book PQ2637.A274 L58 2015
The little prince / |
1 |
E-Book PQ2678.I563 Z713 1999
Melancholies of knowledge literature in the age of science / |
1 |
E-Book PQ281 .R3413 2011
Mute speech : literature, critical theory, and politics / |
1 |
E-Book PQ305 .H25 2000
Figuring the East Segalen, Malraux, Duras, and Barthes / |
1 |
E-Book PQ3805 .C36 2013
The Cambridge companion to the literature of Paris / |
1 |
E-Book PQ4170 .C36 2003
The Cambridge companion to the Italian novel / |
1 |
E-Book PQ4294 .C34 2015
The Cambridge companion to Boccaccio / |
1 |
E-Book PQ4307
The divine comedy Paradiso / |
1 |
E-Book PQ4315.A2 N7
The divine comedy. |
3 |
E-Book PQ4315 .L7
The divine comedy. |
2 |
E-Book PQ4335 .C36 1993
The Cambridge companion to Dante / |
1 |
E-Book PQ4335 .C36 2007
The Cambridge companion to Dante / |
1 |
E-Book PQ4339 .S2613 2016
Dante : the story of his life / |
1 |
E-Book PQ4390 .C68 1999
The design in the wax the structure of the Divine comedy and its meaning / |
1 |
E-Book PQ4390 .R258 2009
The complete Danteworlds : a reader's guide to the Divine Comedy / |
1 |
E-Book PQ4505 .C15 2015
The Cambridge companion to Petrarch / |
1 |
E-Book PQ4567 .A37
Orlando Furioso |
1 |