Call Number (LC) Title Results
E-Book PR4496.M6 .C65 1999 The moonstone 1
E-Book PR4497 .C36 2006 The Cambridge companion to Wilkie Collins / 1
E-Book PR4516.L57 .L5 The little lame prince and other stories 1
E-Book PR4532 Levana and our ladies of sorrow 1
E-Book PR4534 .D47 Confessions of an English opium eater 1
E-Book PR4550 .D53 Some Christmas stories 1
E-Book PR4552 The lazy tour of two idle apprentices
Tom tiddler's ground
Hard times
The Dickens digest
Sunday under three heads
The perils of certain english prisoners
E-Book PR4553 All the year round
Hunted down
E-Book PR4557 The seven poor travellers, in three chapters
No thoroughfare
E-Book PR4558 David copperfield 1
E-Book PR4559 Dombey and son 1
E-Book PR4560.A1 Great expectations 1
E-Book PR4562 Sketches of young gentlemen
Little dorrit
E-Book PR4563 .A1 The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit 1
E-Book PR4564 The mystery of Edwin Drood 1
E-Book PR4564 .L3 The puzzle of Dicken's last plot 1
E-Book PR4566 The old curiosity shop 1
E-Book PR4567 .O5 Oliver Twist or, The parish boy's progress / 1
E-Book PR4569 .A2 The Pickwick papers 1
E-Book PR457 .C33 1993 The Cambridge companion to British romanticism / 1