Call Number (LC) Title Results
E-Book PS1305 .M46 2000 Black, white, and Huckleberry Finn re-imagining the American dream / 1
E-Book PS1306 The adventures of Tom Sawyer 1
E-Book PS1308 T83 A Connecticut yankee in King Arthur's court 1
E-Book PS1309 .E97 Extracts from Adam's diary 1
E-Book PS1316 .P75 The prince and the pauper a tale for young people of all ages / 1
E-Book PS1317 .T93 The tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson 1
E-Book PS1319 A new crime 1
E-Book PS1320 Tom Sawyer, detective
Tom Sawyer abroad
E-Book PS1321 .A1 A tramp abroad 1
E-Book PS1322 Extract from Captain Stormfield's visit to Heaven
The $30,000 bequest and other stories
E-Book PS1322 .G692 The great revolution in Pitcairn 1
E-Book PS1322 .H55 A horse's tale 1
E-Book PS1322.M25 T9 The man that corrupted Hadleyburg 1
E-Book PS1322 .M9 The mysterious stranger a romance /
My watch
E-Book PS1338 .C36 1995 The Cambridge companion to Mark Twain / 1
E-Book PS1338 .M27 1999 Mark Twain 1
E-Book PS1338 .M27 2000 Mark Twain 1
E-Book PS1408.A1 .L3 The last of the Mohicans 1
E-Book PS1421.E7 .C66 The eclipse 1
E-Book PS1449.C3 .E5 Elinor Wyllys. or, The young folk of Longbridge / 1