Call Number (LC) Title Results
E169.1 .N4 1948 America through British eyes. 1
E169.1 .N6 1958 Pious and secular America. 1
E169.1 .N74 1958 The paradox of progressive thought / 1
E169.1 .N74p The progressive mind, 1890-1917 1
E169.1 .N74p 1981 The progressive mind, 1890-1917 / 1
E169.1 .N9 1961 Values in America. 1
E169.1 .N99 The unembarrassed muse: the popular arts in America, 1
E169.1 .O2 1930 The American public mind, 1
E169.1 .O9 Our selves/our past : psychological approaches to American history / 1
E169.1 .P214 2015eb An American cakewalk : ten syncopators of the modern world / 1
E169.1 .P24 The American experience : an interpretation of the history and civilization of the American people / 1
E169.1 .P38 2009eb The new American exceptionalism / 1
E169.1 .P39 1984 Intellectual life in America : a history / 1
E169.1 .P4 1949 Characteristically American : five lectures delivered on the William W. Cook Foundation at the University of Michigan, November-December 1948 / 1
E169.1 .P443 2011 The great American hall of wonders : art, science, and invention in the nineteenth century / 1
E169.1 .P476 The decline of American gentility. 1
E169.1 .P5 1961 Observations on life, literature, and learning in America. 1
E169.1 .P543 From the crash to the blitz, 1929-1939, 1
E169.1 .P5435 2018 Looming Civil War : how nineteenth-century Americans imagined the future / 2
E169.1 .P553 1993 Black legacy : America's hidden heritage / 1