E185.61 .H52
The new equality. |
1 |
E185.61 .H6 1955
Citizen's guide to desegregation; a study of social and legal change in American life |
1 |
E185.61 .H693 2007
Many minds, one heart : SNCC's dream for a new America / |
2 |
E185.61 .H694 2013
Black Citizenship and Authenticity in the Civil Rights Movement. |
1 |
E185.61 .H7
The white man's burden. |
1 |
E185.61 .H83
A peck of salt; a year in the ghetto, |
1 |
E185.61 .H85 2004
Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and the civil rights struggle of the 1950s and 1960s : a brief history with documents / |
1 |
E185.61 .H9 1949
Equality in America; the issue of minority rights. |
1 |
E185.61 .H95
All of which I saw, part of which I was; the autobiography of George K. Hunton as told to Gary MacEóin. |
1 |
E185.61 .I266 2017
I am not your negro / |
1 |
E185.61 .I58 2018
Integration report 1 / |
1 |
E185.61 .I59
Institutional racism in America. |
1 |
E185.61 .I64 2015
African Americans against the bomb : nuclear weapons, colonialism, and the Black freedom movement / |
1 |
E185.61 .I7 1963
The new world of Negro Americans. A study from the Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. |
1 |
E185.61 .I86 2000eb
Solidarity blues : race, culture, and the American left / |
1 |
Science for Segregation : Race, Law, and the Case against Brown v. Board of Education. |
1 |
E185.61 .J527 2009eb
Jim Crow America : a documentary history / |
1 |
E185.61 .J56 2024
Jim Crow : voices from a century of struggle. |
1 |
E185.61 .J6 1943
Patterns of Negro segregation |
1 |
E185.61 .J6b 1970
Backgrounds to patterns of Negro segregation. |
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