Call Number (LC) Title Results
E263.M4 O4 1961 Origin & progress of the American Rebellion; a Tory view. 1
E263.M4 P77 Province in rebellion : a documentary history of the founding of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1774-1775 / 1
E263.M4 Q7 1875 Memoir of the life of Josiah Quincy, junior, of Massachusetts Bay, 1744-1775 / 1
E263.M4 R96 Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill, 1
E263.M4 T2 1954 Western Massachusetts in the Revolution. 1
E263.M4 T5 1891 From colony to commonwealth; stories of the revolutionary days in Boston; 1
E263.M4 W2 Life and times of Joseph Warren. 1
E263.M4 W2c 1961 Joseph Warren: physician, politician, patriot. 1
E263.M4 W238 2012 Dr. Joseph Warren : the Boston Tea Party, Bunker Hill, and the birth of American liberty / 1
E263.N4 S2 1921 Life of Gen. Joseph Cilley. 1
E263.N5 B85 A Brief narrative of the ravages of the British and Hessians at Princeton in 1776-1777. 1
E263.N5 L9 1940 Cockpit of the revolution; the war for independence in New Jersey, 1
E263.N5 N715 2005 New Jersey in the American Revolution / 1
E263.N5 R64 2014 Jacob Green's revolution : radical religion and reform in a revolutionary age / 1
E263.N6 C1 The border warfare of New York, during the revolution; or, The annals of Tryon county. 1
E263.N6 C56 2011eb Unnatural rebellion : loyalists in New York City during the Revolution / 1
E263.N6 C68 A people in revolution : the American Revolution and political society in New York, 1760-1790 / 2
E263.N6 J79 History of New York during the Revolutionary War. 1
E263.N6 K48 2002 Divided loyalties : how the American Revolution came to New York / 1
E263.N6 L38 Loyal Whigs and revolutionaries : the making of the Revolution in New York, 1765-1776 / 1