Call Number (LC) Title Results
E310 .F85 2001 Affairs of honor : national politics in the New Republic / 1
E310 .F85 2001eb Affairs of honor : national politics in the New Republic / 1
E310 .F97 2007 In the name of the father : Washington's legacy, slavery, and the making of a nation / 1
E310 .G14 Political works of concealed authorship relating to the United States, 1789-1810, 1
E310 .G14 1965 Political works of concealed authorship in the United States, 1789-1810, with attributions. 1
E310 .G7 Notizie sullo stato presente della repubblica degli Stati-Uniti dell' America Settentrionale, 1
E310 .L38 1996 Launching the "Extended Republic" : the Federalist Era / 1
E310 .L7 1942 Democratic-Republican societies, 1790-1800. 1
E310 .M44 The presidential game : the origins of American presidential politics / 1
E310 .N49 1997 Parades and the politics of the street : festive culture in the early American republic / 1
E310 .S48 1993 American politics in the early republic : the new nation in crisis / 1
E310 .S57 The American Revolution of 1800; a study in the politics of the American Revolution. 1
E310 .S57 2014eb The American revolution of 1800 : how Jefferson rescued democracy from tyranny and faction and what this means today / 1
E310 .S85 The opposition press of the Federalist period 1
E310 +T58 1976 The new nation: special Bicentennial issue. 1
E310 .W37 1987 The republic reborn : war and the making of liberal America, 1790-1820 / 1
E310 .W8 1920 Public opinion in Philadelphia, 1789-1801, 1
E310.7 .B76 2005eb Toussaint's clause : the founding fathers and the Haitian revolution / 1
E310.7 .G4 1961 To the Farewell address; ideas of early American foreign policy. 1
E310.7 .G5 1970 E-book To the Farewell address : ideas of early American foreign policy / 1