Call Number (LC) Title Results
E457 .A5 1947 The Lincoln reader, 1
E457 .A5L 1955 The living Lincoln: the man, his mind, his times, and the war he fought, reconstructed from his own writings. 1
E457 .A6 1946 A shelf of Lincoln books; a critical, selective bibliography of Lincolniana, 1
E457 .B1 1904 Abraham Lincoln, a true life, 1
E457 .B18 1952 The military genius of Abraham Lincoln; an essay, 1
E457 .B2 The life of Abraham Lincoln / 1
E457 .B2 1943 The life of Abraham Lincoln. 1
E457 .B2L Lincoln at Gettysburg; what he intended to say; what he said; what he was reported to have said; what he wished he had said. 1
E457 .B2p 1933 President Lincoln, 1
E457 .B26 1954 Three Lincoln masterpieces: Cooper Institute speech, Gettysburg address, Second inaugural. 1
E457 .B28 1860 The life and public services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, with a portrait on steel. To which is added a biograhical sketch of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. 1
E457 .B35 1969 The Lincoln legend; a study in changing conceptions 1
E457 .B87 1888 Abraham Lincoln; the nation's leader in the great struggle through which was maintained the existence of the United States. 1
E457 .B882 The every-day life of Abraham Lincoln, a narrative and descriptive biography with pen-pictures and personal recollections by those who knew him, 1
E457 .B95 2008 Abraham Lincoln : a life / 1
E457 .B95eb v. 1 Abraham Lincoln : a life. 1
E457 .B954 2011eb Lincoln and the Civil War / 1
E457 .C2 1960 Lincoln and the Civil War; a profile and a history. 1
E457 .C28 1943 Lincoln and the patronage, 1
E457 .C4 Abraham Lincoln. 1