E457.4 .L7 1958
Created equal? The complete Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. |
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E457.4 .L7 1965
The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858, |
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E457.4 .L7 1993
The Lincoln-Douglas debates : the first complete, unexpurgated text / |
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E457.4 .L7 2008
The Lincoln-Douglas debates / |
1 |
E457.4 .L7g
The great debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in 1858, |
1 |
E457.4 .L7p
Political speeches and debates of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, 1854-1861. |
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E457.4 .L736
Political debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in the celebrated campaign of 1858, in Illinois; including the preceding speeches of each, at Chicago, Springfield, etc.; also, the two great speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio, in 1859, as carefully prepared by the reporters of each party, and published at the times of their delivery. |
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E457.4 .L738 2000eb
Debates of Lincoln & Douglas. |
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E457.4 .P8 1964
Thirteen desperate days. |
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E457.4 .R1 1947
Lincoln, the liberal statesman. |
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E457.4 .R5 1957
Congressman Abraham Lincoln. |
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E457.4 .S4 1960
Lincoln's journey to greatness; a factual account of the twelve-day inaugural trip. |
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E457.4 .S85 2013
The hour of peril : the secret plot to murder Lincoln before the Civil War / |
1 |
E457.4 .T45
Lincoln, 1847-1853, being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln from January 1, 1847 to December 31, 1853, |
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E457.4 .W6 1940
Life on the circuit with Lincoln, |
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E457.4 .W7 1951
A rail splitter for president. |
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E457.4 .W95
Lincoln & the politics of slavery, |
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E457.4 .Z29 1990
Lincoln, Douglas, and slavery : in the crucible of public debate / |
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E457.45 .B76 2014eb
Founders' son : a life of Abraham Lincoln / |
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E457.45 .G66 2005
Team of rivals : the political genius of Abraham Lincoln / |
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