E668 .W875 1975
The era of Reconstruction, 1863-1877 |
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E668 ǂb G778 2010eb
Great Task Remaining Before Us : Reconstruction as America's Continuing Civil War. |
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E669 .F2
The annexation of Russian America to the United States, |
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E669 .F38 2016
Seward's folly : a new look at the Alaska Purchase / |
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E670 .C6 1933
The election of 1868; the Democratic effort to regain control, |
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E670 .R42
Shall capital own labor : the Rebel Democracy the enemy of the people. Seymour and Blair's nomination means revolution, repudiaton and slavery! Published by the Union Republican Congressional Committee, Washington, D.C. |
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E671 .B87
The year of the century: 1876 |
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E671 .G23
Politics and patronage in the gilded age; the correspondence of James A. Garfield and Charles E. Henry. |
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E671 .P17
The present crisis and its issues An address delivered before the literary societies of Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., 27th June, 1872, |
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E671 .W54 2022
1876 The Year Bat, Wyatt, Custer, Jesse, and the Two Bills (Buffalo and Wild) Created the Wild West, and Why It's Still with Us. |
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The captain departs : Ulysses S. Grant's last campaign / Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant. Ulysses S. Grant et la reconstruction du Sud : Une présidence entachée par les scandales / |
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E672 .A1
The life of General Ulysses S. Grant : containing a brief but faithful narrative of those military and diplomatic achievements which have entitled him to the confidence and gratitude of his countrymen / |
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E672 .A2
Our standard-bearer, or, The life of General Ulysses S. Grant : his youth, his manhood, his campaigns, and his eminent services in the reconstruction of the nation his sword has redeemed / |
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E672.A3 W38 2003eb
Personal memoirs of U.S. Grant : a history of the Union cause / |
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E672 .A7 1885
Alsace-Lorraine : monument to Grant : un phalsbourgeois refuse d'accepter l'invitation du maire de New-York, et explique son refus ... = refusal of mayor Grace's invitation by a native of Phalsbourg, and his explanation ... / |
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E672 .A75
General Grant. |
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E672 +B7 1885
Grant. |
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E672 .B8 1942
Grant of Appomattox, a study of the man, |
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E672 .B93 2004
Ulysses S. Grant / |
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E672 .C3 1954
U.S. Grant and the American military tradition. |
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