Call Number (LC) Title Results
E743 .C56 1973 Reform, war, and reaction: 1912-1932. 1
E743 .C64 1989 America observed : from the 1940s to the 1980s / 1
E743 +C74 1965 Politics in America, 1945-1964. 1
E743 +C74 1967 Politics in America, 1945-1966. 1
E743 +C74 1969 Politics in America. 1
E743 +C74 1971 Politics in America. 1
E743 +C74 1979 Politics in America. 1
E743 .C75 2013 When Hollywood was right : how movie stars, studio moguls, and big business remade American politics / 1
E743 .C86 2012 Manhood and American Political Culture in the Cold War. 1
E743 .D1 1946 Frontier on the Potomac, 1
E743 .D34 1987 The world of hope : progressivism and the struggle for an ethical public life / 1
E743 .D345 1991 Struggles for justice : social responsibility and the liberal state / 1
E743 .D43 1984 Straight stuff : the reporters, the White House, and the truth / 1
E743 .D49 Dialogues in Americanism. 1
E743 .D5 1940 The Trojan horse in America, 1
E743.D5z G3 1944 Martin Dies 1
E743 .E22 1999 Editorial Cartoon Awards 1922-1997. 1
E743 .E26 1994 The lost promise of progressivism /
The Lost Promise of Progressivism
E743 .E4 1962 The American right wing; a report to the Fund for the Republic, 1
E743 .F39 1986 Right turn : the decline of the democrats and the future of American politics / 1