Call Number (LC) Title Results
F1938.55 .H37 1998 The struggle for democratic politics in the Dominican Republic / 1
F1938.55 .M38 Overtaken by events; the Dominican crisis from the fall of Trujillo to the civil war. 1
F1938.55 .M84 Barrios in arms; revolution in Santo Domingo 1
F1938.55 .R67 2011 La revolución de abril 1965 / 1
F1938.55 .S257 2013 La República Dominicana y la prensa extranjera : Mayo 1961 - Septiembre 1963 (desde la desaparición de Trujillo hasta Juan Bosch) / 1
F1938.58.B34 L53 2013 Joaquín Balaguer, memory, and diaspora : the lasting political legacies of an American protégé / 1
F1938.58.B34 L53 2013eb Joaquín Balaguer, memory, and diaspora : the lasting political legacies of an American protégé / 1
F1939.I8 D42 2002eb Archaeology at La Isabela : America's first European town / 1
F1939.I8 D43 2002 Columbus's outpost among the Taínos : Spain and America at La Isabela, 1493-1498 / 1
F1939.I8 D43 2002eb Columbus's outpost among the Taínos : Spain and America at La Isabela, 1493-1498 / 1
F1939.S13 R85 2006 El triste Macondo dominicano y la problemática domínico-haitiana : un homenaje póstumo a Sabana Grande de Boyá / 1
F1941.A1 H69 2001 Coloring the nation : race and ethnicity in the Dominican Republic / 1
F1941.A1 M39 2014eb The Mulatto Republic : class, race, and Dominican national identity / 1
F1941.A1 N53 2007 Migraciones, identidades y cultura en República Dominicana / 1
F1941.A1 S34 2000eb Race and politics in the Dominican Republic / 1
F1941.B55 A6313 2012 The African presence in Santo Domingo / 1
F1941.B55 C36 2007 Black behind the ears : Dominican racial identity from museums to beauty shops / 1
F1941.H3 A63 2021 Apátrida = Stateless / 1
F1941.H3 S53 2017eb Borders of visibility : Haitian migrant women and the Dominican nation-state / 1
F1941.J3 P44 2005 Colonización y política : los japoneses y otros inmigrantes en la República Dominicana / 1