Call Number (LC) Title Results
F2519.1.A6 F38 2020eb Art effects : image, agency, and ritual in Amazonia / 1
F2519.1.A6 H43 1987 Amazon frontier : the defeat of the Brazilian Indians / 1
F2519.1.A6 H57 2003 Histories and historicities in Amazonia / 1
F2519.1.A6 L281 2019 The last of the hiding tribes. 1
F2519.1.A6 L282 2019 The last of the hiding tribes. 1
F2519.1.A6 L283 2019 The last of the hiding tribes. 1
F2519.1.A6 N84 2007eb Scoping the Amazon : image, icon, ethnography / 1
F2519.1.A6 O33 2009 The occult life of things : native Amazonian theories of materiality and personhood / 1
F2519.1.A6 +R53 1991 Vanishing Amazon / 1
F2519.1.A6 R556 2014eb Amazonian routes : Indigenous mobility and colonial communities in northern Brazil / 1
F2519.1.A6 R56 Parmana : prehistoric maize and manioc subsistence along the Orinoco and Amazon / 1
F2519.1.A6 S243 2011 Sacred geographies of ancient Amazonia : historical ecology of social complexity / 1
F2519.1.A6 V56 2012 Indigenous youth in Brazilian Amazonia : changing lived worlds / 1
F2519.1.B3 .D596 2016 Afro-Politics and Civil Society in Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil 1
F2519.1.I25 U73 1996 Metaphysical community : the interplay of the senses and the intellect / 1
F2519.1.M4 C5 The Brazilian indigenous problem and policy : the Aripuana park / 1
F2519.1.R6 .P684 2018 La Ocupación Cazadora-Recolectora Durante la Transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno en el Oeste de Rio Grande Do Sul - Brasil 1
F2519.1.R7 M53 The integration of the indigenous peoples of the territory of Roraima, Brazil / 1
F2519.1.X56 H43 2005 The ecology of power : culture, place, and personhood in the southern Amazon, A.D. 1000-2000 / 1
F2519.1.X56H43 2005eb Ecology of Power : Culture, Place and Personhood in the Southern Amazon, AD. 1