GN778.G7 E9
The ancient bronze implements, weapons, and ornaments, of Great Britain and Ireland. |
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GN778.I6 C6
The bronze age in Ireland, |
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GN778.I8 P4
L'età del bronzo nella penisola italiana. |
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Movement, exchange and identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st millennia BC : beyond frontiers / The Baltic in the Bronze Age Regional Patterns, Interactions and Boundaries. |
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GN778.2.A1 C64 1979
The bronze age in Europe : an introduction to the prehistory of Europe c. 2000-700 BC / |
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GN778.2.A1 O94 2013eb
The Oxford handbook of the European Bronze Age / |
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GN778.2.B3 .H678 2015
Die Anfänge des Kontinentalen Transportwesens und Seine Auswirkungen Auf Die Bolerázer und Badener Kulturen |
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Similar But Different : Bell Beakers in Europe. The bell beaker transition in Europe : mobility and local evolution during the 3rd millennium BC / |
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GN778.2.B44 K54 2019eb
Embracing bell beaker : adopting new ideas and objects across Europe during the later 3rd millennium BC (c. 2600-2000 BC) / |
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GN778.22.A35 F76 2017
From cooking vessels to cultural practices in the late Bronze Age Aegean / |
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GN778.22.A35 T73 2011
Tracing Prehistoric Social Networks through Technology : a Diachronic Perspective on the Aegean. |
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GN778.22.C4 B75 2020
Bringing down the Iron Curtain : paradigmatic change in research on the Bronze Age in Central and Eastern Europe? / |
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GN778.22.D4 G5513
The mound people; Danish bronze-age man preserved |
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GN778.22.E853 L64 2014
Local Societies in Bronze Age Northern Europe. |
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GN778.22.F7 .M357 2019
Une Maison Sous les Dunes : Identité et Adaptation des Groupes Humains en Mer d'Iroise Entre les IIIe et IIe Millénaires Avant Notre ère. |
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Personifying prehistory : relational ontologies in Bronze Age Britain and Ireland / Preserved in the peat : an extraordinary Bronze Age burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its wider context / |
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GN778.22.G7 S34
Bronze Age metalwork in Salisbury Museum; |
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GN778.22.G7 S468 2015
Settlement and metalworking in the Middle Bronze Age and beyond : new evidence from Tremough, Cornwall / |
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GN778.22.G7 +T38
Bronze age goldwork of the British Isles / |
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GN778.22.G7 W66 2015
Ritual in early Bronze Age grave goods : an examination of ritual and dress equipment from Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age graves in England / |
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