Call Number (LC) Title Results
GR147 .R4 1976 Celtic heritage : ancient tradition in Ireland and Wales / 1
GR147 .W8 Traces of the elder faiths of Ireland; a folklore sketch; a handbook of Irish pre-Christian traditions, 1
GR147 .Y4 Irish fairy and folk tales / 1
GR147 .Y4 4 Irish fairy and folk tales / 1
GR147 .Y4f 1892 Irish fairy tales / 1
GR148.A45 Storytelling on the northern Irish border : characters and community / 1
GR148.A45 C37 2008eb Storytelling on the Northern Irish border : characters and community / 1
GR148.B34 G55 1982 Irish folk history : texts from the north / 1
GR148.B8 H9 Folk tales of Breffny / 1
GR153.5 .G56 2000 Locating Irish folklore : tradition, modernity, identity / 1
GR153.5 .G72 1972 Great folk tales of Old Ireland / 1
GR153.5 .H37 1992 Contemporary Irish traditional narrative : the English language tradition / 1
GR153.5 .I75 1985 Irish folktales / 1
GR153.5 .M44 2004 Meeting the other crowd : the fairy stories of hidden Ireland / 1
GR153.5 .O135 2011 An tSlat Feithleoige : Ealaíona an Dúchais 1800-2000 / 1
GR153.5 +O16 1991 Myth, legend & romance : an encyclopaedia of the Irish folk tradition / 1
GR153.6.K4 .O34 2002 Ó Bhéal an Bhab. 1
GR154.2.Z58 D63 2016 Žítkovské bohyně : lidová magie na Moravských Kopanicích / 1
GR154.4 .G75 2018eb The paradox of authenticity : folklore performance in post-communist Slovakia / 1
GR161 Le Folk-Lore de la France : Le Ciel et la Terre - Tome premier.
Le folklore de la France.
Les grandes légendes de France : les légendes de l'Alsace, la Grande-Chartreuse, le Mont-Saint-Michel et son histoire, les légendes de la Bretagne et le génie celtique /
Les légendes de la nuit en Vendée : traditions, contes et superstitions /