Call Number (LC) Title Results
GV1144.2.M39 M64 2002 Foiled : Hitler's Jewish Olympian : the Helene Mayer story / 1
GV1145 .A378 2012 The art of the two handed sword : a translation of Francesco Alfieri's Lo Spadone with a guide to modern practice / 1
GV1145 .B47 1991 The noble science : a study and transcription of Sloane Ms. 2530, papers of the Masters of Defence of London, Temp. Henry VIII to 1590 / 2
GV1145 .M485 2016 The art of sword combat : a 1568 German treatise on swordsmanship / 1
GV1145 .M49 2015 The art of combat / 1
GV1145 .M66 2011 The knightly art of battle / 1
GV1145 .V33 2002 Arte gladiatoria dimicandi : 15th century swordsmanship of Master Filippo Vadi / 1
GV1150 .K45 2002 Keiko Shokon / 1
GV1150 .K67 1997 Koryu bujutsu : classical warrior traditions of Japan / 1
GV1150 .S96 1999 Sword & spirit / 1
GV1150.2 .W37 1982 Japanese swordsmanship : technique and practice / 1
GV1157.O3 A55 1894ev Annie Oakley / 1
GV1174 .C9 Sporting firearms of today in use / 1
GV1175 .H7 1916 Pistol and revolver shooting / 1
GV1185 How to shoot the longbow a guide from historical and applied sources / 1
GV1185 .A81 1545 Toxophilus, the schole of shootinge. 1
GV1185 .E43 Archery, 1
GV1185 .G66 2007eb Traditional archery from six continents : the Charles E. Grayson Collection / 1
GV1185 .H42 1972 The grey goose wing 1
GV1185 .S8 Archers d'autrefois; archers d'aujourd'hui. 1