Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ798 .L49 2003 Mystics, mavericks, and merrymakers : an intimate journey among hasidic girls /
Mystics, Mavericks, and Merrymakers : an Intimate Journey among Hasidic Girls.
HQ798 .L55 2009 Girls' studies / 1
HQ798 .M296 1990 Making connections : the relational worlds of adolescent girls at Emma Willard School / 1
HQ798 .M434 1994 The difference : growing up female in America / 1
HQ798 .O74 1994 Schoolgirls : young women, self-esteem, and the confidence gap / 1
HQ798 .P4 Hand-me-down-dreams / 1
HQ798 .P57 1994 Reviving Ophelia : saving the selves of adolescent girls / 1
HQ798 .R455 2018 Adolescence, girlhood, and media migration : US teens' use social media to negotiate offline struggles / 1
HQ798 .S328 2004 Some wore bobby sox : the emergence of teenage girls' culture, 1920-1945 / 1
HQ798 .S444 2018 American tomboys, 1850-1915 / 1
HQ798 .S63 2014eb Ask me anything : heartfelt answers to 65 anonymous questions from teenage girls / 1
HQ798 .S66 2014eb Thinking outside the girl box : teaming up with resilient youth in Appalachia / 1
HQ798 .T36 1999 Slut! : growing up female with a bad reputation / 1
HQ798 .T39 1995 Between voice and silence : women and girls, race and relationship / 1
HQ798 .T45 1996 Le temps des jeunes filles. 1
HQ798 .T45 2014 From the dance hall to Facebook : teen girls, mass media, and moral panic in the United States, 1905-2010 / 1
HQ798 .T46 2011eb Multicultural girlhood : racism, sexuality, and the conflicted spaces of American education / 1
HQ798 .V34 1995 Disciplines of virtue : girls' culture in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / 1
HQ799 Generation less : how Australia is cheating the young / 1
HQ799.A25 V36 2005eb Vanguard or vandals : youth, politics, and conflict in Africa / 1