Call Number (LC) Title Results
HX86 .B54 2020 The big scary 'S' word / 1
HX86 .B57 2011 Marx and Lincoln : an unfinished revolution / 1
HX86 .B6 1948 Karl Marx's interpretation of history. 1
HX86 .B8 Socialism vs. civilization 1
HX86 .B87 1935 Communism in the United States. 1
HX86 .C2 A capitalist's view of socialism 1
HX86 .C32 The flight from reality, 1
HX86 .C4 Collectivism, a false Utopia, 1
HX86 .C69 Democracy versus communism. 1
HX86 .C9 The essentials of socialism, 1
HX86 .C94 1938 Would communism work out in America? 1
HX86 .C947 1947 Communism ... 1
HX86 .C947c 1962 Communism: threat to freedom. 1
HX86 .C98 Questions and answers on communism. 1
HX86 .D7 Socialism and the average man; a presentation in popular form of the nature of socialism; the fallacies inherent in certain of the more general and fundamental doctrines of socialism; the disingenuousness of the propaganda in favor of socialism; and the futility and impracticability of certain typical schemes that have taken shape under the name of socialism, 1
HX86 .E1 1940 Marxism, is it science? 1
HX86 .E58 1990 Encyclopedia of the American left / 1
HX86 .F52 The revival of American socialism; selected papers of the Socialist Scholars Conference. 1
HX86 .F55 The road ahead, America'a creeping revolution. 1
HX86 .F89 Socialism in America: from the Shakers to the Third International; a documentary history. 1