Hugo Grotius and the Century of Revolution, 1613-1718 : Transnational Reception in English Political Thought / Constant Minds : Political Virtue and the Lipsian Paradigm in England, 1584-1650. The education of a Christian prince / |
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JC145.I35 B47 1985
La politique de saint Ignace de Loyola : l'analyse sociale / |
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JC145 .L76s
Sixe bookes of politickes or civil doctrine. |
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JC145.M3 L6 1960
Constitutionalism and statecraft during the Golden Age of Spain; a study of the political philosophy of Juan de Mariana, S. J. |
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JC145.M7 C68
The political philosophy of Luis de Molina, S.J. (1535-1600) / |
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JC145.M7 H5 1952
A comparative study of the political theories of Ludovicus Molina, S. J., and John Milton. |
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JC151 .G81
Order, empiricism, and politics; two traditions of English political thought, 1500-1700 |
1 |
JC153 .F48
Patriarcha and other political works. |
1 |
JC153 .G6 1950
John Locke's political philosophy, eight studies. |
1 |
JC153 .H2 1955
The political writings of James Harrington : representative selections / |
1 |
JC153 .H28 2019
James Harrington : an intellectual biography / |
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JC153.H4 H36 2019
James Harrington : an intellectual biography / |
1 |
JC153 .H515 1995
Thomas Hobbes : three discourses : a critical modern edition of newly identified work of the young Hobbes / |
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Philosophy, rhetoric, and Thomas Hobbes / |
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JC153.H52 B75 2009eb
The elements of representation in Hobbes : aesthetics, theatre, law, and theology in the construction of Hobbes's theory of the state / |
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JC153.H59 T479 1990
Thomas Hobbes and political theory / |
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JC153 .H6
Leviathan : or, The matter, forme, and power of a common-wealth, ecclesiasticall and civill / |
1 |
The logic of Leviathan : the moral and political theory of Thomas Hobbes. |
1 |
JC153 .H6 1962b
Leviathan : or, The matter, forme and power of a commonwealth, ecclesiaticall and civil / |
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JC153 .H6 1968
Leviathan. |
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