JN3971.A98 G723618 1993
Alternative politics : the German Green Party / |
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JN3971.A98 G72376 1986
The spiritual dimension of green politics / |
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JN3971.A98 K6536 1997eb
The death of the KPD : communism and anti-communism in West Germany, 1945-1956 / |
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JN3971.A98 .M399 2018
Mit Recht gegen rechts : Die Verbotsverfahren gegen die Sozialistische Reichspartei (1950-1952) und die Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (2000-2003). |
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JN3971.A98 N14
The National Democratic Party; right radicalism in the Federal Republic of Germany. |
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JN3971.A98 P37715 2011eb
Out of the east : from PDS to Left Party in unified Germany / |
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JN3971 .C43 1964
The Social Democratic Party of Germany, from working-class movement to modern political party. |
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JN3971 .G6 1958
The founding of the Federal Republic of Germany. |
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JN3971 .G78 2010
The making of German democracy : West Germany during the Adenauer era, 1945-65 / |
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JN3971 .H4a 1960
Adenauer and the CDU; the rise of the leader and the integration of the party. |
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JN3971 .M56 1963
The origin of the West German Republic. |
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JN3971 .P7 1952
The West German Federal Government, |
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JN3971 .P7c 1961
Contemporary government of Germany. |
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JN3971.5.A2 P65 1989
Politics, society, and government in the German Democratic Republic : basic documents / |
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JN3971.5 .A3 1970
The German Democratic Republic from the sixties to the seventies; a socio-political analysis. |
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JN3971.5 .A3 1977
Modell DDR : die kalkulierte Emanzipation / |
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JN3971.5.A56 I613 2019eb
God's spies : the Stasi's Cold War espionage campaign inside the church / |
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JN3971.5.A78 .K354 2017eb
Lužičtí Srbové v lidové sněmovně. Nástin politického života v srbské Lužici v době NDR |
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JN3971.5.A792 P765 1999eb
Organizing Democracy in Eastern Germany : Interest Groups in Post-Communist Society. |
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JN3971.5.A98 S58 1976
Report of the Central Committee to the 9th Congress of the Socialist Union Party of Germany / |
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