Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF4541 .W557 2018 The Imperial Republic : a Structural History of American Constitutionalism from the Colonial Era to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. 1
KF4541 .W58 2022 With liberty and justice for all? : the constitution in the classroom / 1
KF4541 .W659 2021 Power and liberty : constitutionalism in the American revolution / 1
KF4541.Z9 G24 Constitutional bricolage. 1
KF4541.Z9 S7 1990 A child of fortune : a correspondent's report on the ratification of the U.S. Constitution and the battle for a Bill of Rights / 1
KF4541 ǂb B855 1998eb Burger Court : Counter-Revolution or Confirmation?. 1
KF4545.S5 Reflections on slavery and the constitution /
University, court, and slave : pro-slavery academic thought and southern jurisprudence, 1831-1861 /
The Thirteenth Amendment and American Freedom : a Legal History.
The sources of antislavery constitutionalism in America, 1760-1848 /
KF4545.S5 A123 1985 Slavery in the courtroom : an annotated bibliography of American cases / 1
KF4545.S5 A5 1837 A practical treatise on the law of slavery : being a compilation of all the decisions made on that subject, in the several courts of the United States, and state courts ; with copious notes and references to the statutes and other authorities, systematically arranged / 1
KF4545.S5 A948 2006eb Origins of the Dred Scott case : Jacksonian jurisprudence and the Supreme Court, 1837-1857 / 1
KF4545.S5 A98 1865 Speech of Hon. J.M. Ashley, of Ohio : delivered in the House of Representatives, on Friday, January 6, 1865 : on the constitutional amendment for the abolition of slavery. 1
KF4545.S5 B35 2006 The rescue of Joshua Glover : a fugitive slave, the constitution, and the coming of the civil war / 1
KF4545.S5 B58 2014 Tyrannicide : forging an American law of slavery in revolutionary South Carolina and Massachusetts /
Tyrannicide : forging an American law of slavery in Revolutionary South Carolina and Massachusetts /
KF4545.S5 +C36 Judicial cases concerning American slavery and the Negro. 1
KF4545.S5 C66 Justice accused : antislavery and the judicial process / 1
KF4545.S5 D45 2007 Slavery on trial : law, abolitionism, and print culture / 1
KF4545.S5 D45 2007eb Slavery on trial : law, abolitionism, and print culture / 1
KF4545.S5 .D94 2012eb Natural law and the antislavery constitutional tradition / 1
KF4545.S5 F43 The Dred Scott case, its significance in American law and politics / 1
KF4545.S5 F432 Slavery, law, and politics : the Dred Scott case in historical perspective / 1