Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF5402.A4 C67 The bureaucracy in court : commentaries and case studies in administrative law / 1
KF5402.A4 .N384 2015 Norme e schemi di diritto delle società di capitali. 1
KF5402.A5 G72 The Government as regulator. 1
KF5402 .A825 2018eb America's Founding Documents : the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the United States Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and the Bill of Rights. 1
KF5402 .B35 Going by the book : the problem of regulatory unreasonableness / 1
KF5402 .D318 1972 Administrative law text. 1
KF5402 .E46 2019 The public's law : origins and architecture of progressive democracy / 1
KF5402 .H36 1994 Handbook of regulation and administrative law / 1
KF5402 .M37 2012eb Creating the administrative constitution : the lost one hundred years of American administrative law / 1
KF5402 .P835 2015eb Public administration and law / 1
KF5402 .R665 1992 Rethinking the progressive agenda : the reform of the American regulatory state / 1
KF5402 .R67 1983 Public administration and law : bench v. bureau in the United States / 1
KF5402.W37 2011 Administrative Law in the Political System. 1
KF5406.A1 M13 Government regulation of business including antitrust information sources; a comprehensive annotated bibliography of works pertaining to the Antitrust Division, Department of Justice, and to the major regulatory agencies of the Federal Government 1
KF5406.A15 F4 Federal regulatory directory. 1
KF5406 .A25 1977 Study on Federal regulation : prepared pursuant to S. Res. 71, to authorize a study of the purpose and current effectiveness of certain Federal agencies / 1
KF5406 .A6 Official opinions of the attorneys general of the United States, advising the President and heads of departments in relation to their official duties ... 1
KF5406 .A62 Annual report of the Attorney General of the United States. 1
KF5407 Regulation versus Litigation : Perspectives from Economics and Law.
Federal rulemaking and regulations /
KF5407.A2 G72 Regulatory agency budgets. Hearings, Ninety-second Congress, second session, on S. 448 ... 1