Call Number (LC) Title Results
KNX2064.51947 .N546 2016 Nihonkoku kenpō = Japan's peace Constitution / 1
KNX2070 .W56 2011 The Quest for Japan's New Constitution : an Analysis of Visions and Constitutional Reform Proposals 1980-2009. 1
KNX2090 .B44 2002 From imperial myth to democracy : Japan's two constitutions, 1889-2002 / 1
KNX2101 .K6713 1997 The birth of Japan's postwar constitution / 1
KNX2201 .M66 2002 Partners for democracy : crafting the new Japanese state under MacArthur / 1
KNX2201 .M66 2002eb Partners for democracy : crafting the new Japanese state under MacArthur / 2
KNX2280 Japan's Prosecution Review Commission : on the democratic oversight of decisions not to charge / 1
KNX2325 .I95 1998 International law, human rights, and Japanese law : the impact of international law on Japanese law / 1
KNX2325 ǂb T78 2002eb Changing postwar international legal regime : the role played by Japan. 1
KNX2472 .T48 2019 Faking liberties : religious freedom in American-occupied Japan / 1
KNX2484.5 .W55 1997eb The right to life in Japan / 1
KNX3098 .F45 2000eb The ritual of rights in Japan : law, society, and health policy / 1
KNX3242 Competition law and policy in the Japanese pharmaceutical sector / 1
KNX3436 Active faults and nuclear regulation : background to requirement enforcement in Japan / 1
KNX4438 .W37 2019 Thought crime : ideology and state power in interwar Japan / 1
KNX4604.51948 Die japanische Strafprozeßordnung = Keiji-Soshoho : vom 10. Juli 1948 / 1
KNX4630.S73 J64 2002 The Japanese way of justice : prosecuting crime in Japan / 1
KNX4630.S73 J64 2002eb The Japanese way of justice : prosecuting crime in Japan / 1
KNX4657 .C76 2016eb The politics of police detention in Japan : consensus of convenience / 1
KPA120 .K563 2015eb The emotions of justice : gender, status, and legal performance in Chosŏn Korea / 1