Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB125.V7 A3 1938 De eruditione filiorum nobilium / 1
LB125.V7 G11 The educational ideas of Vincent of Beauvais. 1
LB170.7 Getting the teachers we need : international perspectives on teacher education / 1
LB175.A6 L3 1940 Educational theories and principles of Cardinal Silvio Antoniano, 1
LB175.E6 B7 1936 The education of a Christian prince, 1
LB175.E6 W91 Desiderius Erasmus concerning the aim and method of education. 1
LB175.P6 A3 1940 Aeneae Silvii De liberorum educatione; a translation, 1
LB175.P7 M7 Thomas Platter and the educational renaissance of the sixteenth century, 1
LB175.V4 M3 Maphei Vegii laudensis De educatione liberorum et eorum claris moribus, libri sex; a critical text of books I-III 1
LB175.V4 M39 1936 Maphei Vegii laudensis De educatione liberorum et eorum claris moribus libri sex. A critical text of books IV-VI. 1
LB175.V8 W3 1922 Luis Vives, el gran Valenciano (1492-1540) 1
LB175 +V85o Opera omnia, distributa et ordinata in argumentorum classes praecipuas 1
LB215 .W554 2019 Handbook Family-School-Community Partnerships 1
LB275.L8 A5413 2020eb Martin Luther : father of the Reformation and educational reformer / 1
LB275 .L91 Luther, eine Auswahl aus seinen pädagogischen Schriften. 1
LB275.L92 L9 Luther als Erzieher / 1
LB275.M47 H3 1972 Philipp Melanchthon als Praeceptor Germaniae. 1
LB375.I2 F5 1933 St. Ignatius and the Ratio studiorum, 1
LB375.I2 H8 Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits, 1
LB375.I2 H8 5 Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits, 1