ML1700 .P46 2020eb
Storytelling in opera and musical theater / |
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ML1700 .P57 2013eb
Crisis of the opera? : a study of musical hermeneutics / |
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ML1700 .P58 1993
Grand opera : mirror of the western mind / |
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ML1700 .P6 1989
Opera in crisis : tradition, present, future / |
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ML1700 .P6513 1992
The angel's cry : beyond the pleasure principle in opera / |
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ML1700 .R67 1999
When literature becomes opera : study of a transformational process / |
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ML1700 .R88 2006
The prima donna and opera, 1815-1930 / |
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ML1700 .S56 2020
Singing in signs : new semiotic explorations of opera / |
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ML1700 .S65 1973ev
Spiro Malas / |
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ML1700 .S66 2009
The gilded stage : a social history of opera / |
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ML1700 .S69 2004
Angels & monsters : male and female sopranos in the story of opera, 1600-1900 / |
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ML1700 .S9 1897
The opera; a sketch of the development of opera. With full descriptions of every work in the modern repertory, |
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ML1700 .S9485 1996
Believing in opera / |
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ML1700 .S9487 2023
Queer opera / |
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ML1700 .S95 1978b
In defence of opera / |
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ML1700 .T43 2016
Technology and the diva : sopranos, opera, and media from Romanticism to the digital age / |
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ML1700 .W3 1995
Opera workshop : studies in understanding and interpretation / |
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ML1700 .W34 2005ea
Der Ring des Nibelungen : highlights / |
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ML1700 .W35
The essence of opera, |
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ML1700 .W48 2006
On opera / |
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