N2830.A5 C38 1912
Catalogue of ancient sculptures preserved in the municipal collections of Rome: The sculptures of the Museo capitolino, |
1 |
N2830 .A57 1968
A catalogue of the ancient sculptures preserved in the municipal collections of Rome / |
1 |
N2830 .B6
Musei capitolini : pinacoteca e tabularium / |
1 |
N2840 .A614
Galerie Colonna : [catalogue]. |
1 |
N2880 .A5
Catalogo della Galleria Ex-Fidecommissaria Doria-Pamphilj / |
1 |
N2880 .A5 1909
Catalogo della Galleria Doria-Pamphilj in Roma. |
1 |
N2880 .A5 1969
Catalogo sommario della Galleria Doria Pamphilj in Roma. |
1 |
N2923 .Z4
La Galleria Spada in Roma. |
1 |
N2930 .A54 1898
Guida del museo cristiano Lateranense. |
1 |
N2930.5 .A55 1964
Catalogo. |
1 |
N2931.9.A59 M87 1929
Il Museo nazionale di Messina. |
1 |
N2932 .R6
Antiquarium e collezione dei vasi Castellani. Testo di Renato Bartoccini e Alfredo de Agostino. |
1 |
N2932 .S813
The National Museum of Villa Giulia at Rome / |
1 |
N2934 .A9
Le terme di Diocleziano e il Museo nazionale romano. |
1 |
N2934 .P3 1932
Le terme de Diocleziano e il Museo nazionale romano. |
1 |
N2935 .C17
Museo ostiense |
1 |
N2940 +A7
Art treasures of the Vatican : architecture, painting, sculpture / |
1 |
N2940 .A7
Die sculpturen des Vaticanischen museums, im auftrage und unter mitwirkung des Kaiserlich deutschen archäologischen instituts (römische abteilung) beschrieben |
1 |
N2940 .A77 1975
Art treasures of the Vatican : architecture, painting, sculpture / |
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N2940 +B4
The Vatican; its history--its treasures. |
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