Call Number (LC) Title Results
N5279.2.L48 T38 1996 Union internationale parallèle des télécommunications (T. Taub, vice-dispatcher) : projet de niveau de subsistance minimum 1984 W - phase IV : "Katabasis soteriologike" : collection André L'Huillier : Musée Rath, Genève, du 27 septembre 1996 au 5 janvier 1997. 1
N5279.2.R44 S354 1970 La Collection Oskar Reinhart du Römerholz / 1
N5279.2.T49 O42 Old master paintings from the collection of Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza / 1
N5279.2.T49 S26 1961 From Van Eyck to Tiepolo : an exhibition of pictures from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, "Villa Favorita", Lugano-Castagnola, 2 March-30 Arpil 1961. 1
N5279.2.T49 T49 1987 Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection : Catalogue Raisonné of the Exhibited Works of Art / 1
N5279.2.T76 L62 De Genève à l'Ermitage : les collections de François Tronchin : [exposition], Musée Rath, Genève, 21 juin-15 septembre 1974 : [catalogue / 1
N5280.F5 H558 Kokoelma, Sara Hildén, Collection. Ulkomaista nykytoidetta, Utländsk nutidskonst, International Modern art [Helsinki, Ateneum, n.d.] 1
N5280.F52 H6s Sara Hildén-Enrothin säätiön kokoelmat : Tampereen Taidemuseo, 29. 1. - 20. 2. 1966, Turun Taidemuseo 4. 3. - 13. 3. 1966. 1
N5280.F52 S66 2013 The Tsar's surgeon and other early art collectors in the Grand Duchy of Finland / 1
N5280.H9 V34 1981 Válogatás magyar magángyűjteményekből : Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest 1981.oktober-november = Selections from Hungarian private collections : Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest / 1
N5280.H92 V654 The Georg von Békésy Collection : selected objects from the Collection of Georg von Békésy bequeathed to the Nobel Foundation / 1
N5280.L52 L5213 1981 Masterpieces from the Collection of the Princes of Liechtenstein / 1
N5280.L52 L56 1985 Liechtenstein, the princely collections / 1
N5280.Y82 S586 2000 Stolen art / 1
N5285.C52 T61 1928 Jades & other hard stones : single color and decorated porcelains, including many specimens from the Imperial Collection / 1
N5285.C62 N94 1858 Some indications of the value and appreciation of Mr. Nye's Collection of the works of the old masters, exhibited in New York in 1848, 1849, 1850, and 1858. With a few brief papers and notes upon art and art criticism. 1
N5285.C62 S54 2017 The Chinese lives of Uli Sigg / 1
N5285 .H57 1955 Hirano korekushon ten mokuroku. 1
N5285.H852 T85 1992 Wen wu tsʻui chen : Hsü shih i shu chi chin tsʻang tʻao tzʻu chʻing tʻung chʻi hsüan / 1
N5285.I72 S56 1915 Illustrated catalogue of very notable collections of the ancient art of Asia and Europe gathered during many years by the widely-known connoisseurs, Mr. Malayan Shmavon, Mons. M.N. Jourado, the late Anthony Edwards, Esq., and others : the sale will take place at the Kent-Shmavon Galleries / 1