N6242 +P97
L'art wisigothique et ses survivances; recherches sur les origines et le développement de l'art en France et en Espagne du IVe au XIIe siècle. |
1 |
N6243 .N3
Art mérovingien; [inventaire des collections du Musée Dobrée] |
1 |
N6245 .H5 1935
Carolingian art. |
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N6245 .H66 1962
Carolingian art; a study of early medieval painting and sculpture in western Europe. |
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N6245 .H813
The Carolingian renaissance |
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N6245 +H87
The Carolingian renaissance |
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N6245 +.L37
Ars sacra, 800-1200. |
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N6245 .L37
Ars sacra, 800-1200. |
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N6245 .L37 1994
Ars sacra, 800-1200 / |
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Byzantine art / Icons / L'art byzantin / Byzantine art in the making : main lines of stylistic development in Mediterranean art, 3rd-7th century / L'empereur dans l'art byzantin : recherches sur l'art officiel de l'empire d'Orient / |
6 |
N6250 +A5
Our Lady of Vladimir / |
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N6250 .A613 1961
The Hellenistic origins of Byzantine art. |
1 |
N6250 .B27
Byzantine art in the collections of Soviet museums / |
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N6250 +B27 1985
Byzantine art in the collections of Soviet museums / |
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N6250 .B3
Vizantiĭskoe iskusstvo v sobranii︠a︡kh Sovetskogo Soi︠u︡za = Byzantine Art in the collections of the USSR / |
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N6250 .B3
Vizantiĭskoe iskusstvo v sobranii︠a︡kh Sovetskogo Soi︠z︡a. |
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N6250 .B39 1961
The art of Constantinople : an introduction to Byzantine art 330-1453 / |
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N6250 .B39 2012eb
Die byzantinische Kunst / |
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N6250 .B4
The art of Constantinople : an introduction to Byzantine art 330-1453 / |
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N6250 .B45
Byzantine art in Roumania / |
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