NA1120 .P56 2012
Speaking ruins : Piranesi, architects and antiquity in eighteenth-century Rome / |
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NA1120 .P77 1984
Projects and monuments in the period of the Roman Baroque / |
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NA1120 .W66 1995
Rome : the buildings of Europe / |
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NA1121.B74 C45 1944
La Loggia di Brescia / |
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NA1121.F6 A6
Early Florentine architecture and decoration, |
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NA1121.F7 A6
Early Florentine architecture and decoration, |
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NA1121.F7 A85 2016
The noisy Renaissance : sound, architecture, and Florentine urban life / |
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NA1121.F7 G68 2015
Florence : a walking guide to its architecture / |
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NA1121.M63 J37 2003
Architecture as performance : in seventeenth-century Europe ; court ritual in Modena, Rome, and Paris / |
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NA 1121 P5 + M33 1987
Pienza : the creation of a Renaissance city / |
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NA1121.P5M33 1987
Pienza : the Creation of a Renaissance City. |
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NA1121.R6 +L47 1984
Letarouilly on Renaissance Rome : the student's edition of Paul Letarouilly's Edifices de Rome moderne and Le Vatican et la basilique de Saint-Pierre / |
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NA1121.R6 +R65 1999
Rome : art & architecture / |
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NA1121 .R6 R6513 2004
Rome : art & architecture / |
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NA1121.S54 N48 2007eb
Siena : constructing the Renaissance city / |
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NA1121.S9 A271
L'architettura aragonese-catalana in Siracusa. |
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NA1121.V4 B73 1930
L'ultima ala delle procuratie e la distruzione di un capolavoro del Sansovino / |
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NA1121.V4 C66 1982
Structure urbaine et fonctions des bâtiments du XVIe au XIXe siècle : une recherche à Venise / |
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NA1121.V4 +G677 2006
Building Renaissance Venice : patrons, architects and builders, c. 1430-1500 / |
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NA1121.V4 H68 2002
The architectural history of Venice / |
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