Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB237.F73 A65 The sculpture of Erwin F. Frey; with a critical appreciation by Philip R. Adams. 1
NB237.F74 A3 Daniel Chester French, sculptor, 1
NB237 .F87 A4 2022 Sue Fuller : into the composition / 1
NB237.G3 N3 1987 Jim Gary, his life and art / 1
NB237.G35 A4 1992 Spirit of the South : the sculpture of Alexander Galt, 1827-1863 / 1
NB237 .G44 2006 Out of Eden : the sculptural work of Harry Geffert / 1
NB237.G464 A4 2010 Orly Genger. 1
NB237 G48 + A4 1990 Arthur Gibbons, new sculpture : March 29 to April 21, 1990, André Emmerich Gallery. 1
NB237.G53 R37 2000 Charles Ginnever : Rashomon. 1
NB237.G66 +G54 2011 Glenna Goodacre. 1
NB237.G67 A4 2007 Lorrie Goulet : sixty years of sculpting. 1
NB 237 G72 + A4 1988 Robert Graham, the Duke Ellington Memorial in progress : Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Robert O. Anderson Building, September 8-October 23, 1988. 1
NB237 .G73 2001 Monumental elegance : sculpture and drawings of Philip Grausman / 1
NB237.G73 A4 1987 The Sculpture of Nancy Graves : a catalogue raisonné / 1
NB237.G73 P4 Memorial exhibition of work by Charles Grafly / 1
NB 237 G74 + A4 1987 The Sculpture of Nancy Graves : a catalogue raisonné with essays / 1
NB237.G75 A4 1935 Exhibition of ceramic sculpture by Waylande de Santis Gregory : March 3 to March 31, 1935. 1
NB237.G76 G48 1974 Chaim Gross / 1
NB237.G8 A3 1973 Letters of Horatio Greenough to his brother, Henry Greenough. 1
NB237.G8 G8 Letters of Horatio Greenough to his brother, Henry Greenough. 1