Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB92 .H58 1988 Imperial spoils : the curious case of the Elgin Marbles / 1
NB92 +J46 2007 The Parthenon sculptures / 1
NB92 .S13 Lord Elgin and the marbles 1
NB92 .S13 1998 Lord Elgin and the marbles / 1
NB92 .V7 1997 The Elgin affair : the abduction of Antiquity's greatest treasures and the passions it aroused / 1
NB 92 + Y1 1960 Classical Greece; the Elgin marbles of the Parthenon. 1
NB93 .C53 2004 ClassiColor : farven i antik skulptur : en udstilling i Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek i samarbejde med Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptotek, München, og Musei Vaticani, Città del Vaticano / 1
NB94 Anticlassicism in Greek sculpture of the fourth century B.C. / 1
NB94 .A35 1979 The Greek tradition in sculpture / 1
NB94 .A83 1972b Architect and sculptor in classical Greece. 1
NB94 .A9613 2017 The Tyrant-slayers of ancient Athens : a tale of two statues / 1
NB94 .B37 1992 Ancient sculptural copies in miniature / 1
NB94 +B47 Ancient copies : contributions to the history of Greek and Roman art / 1
NB94 .B48 1967 Laocoon; the influence of the group since its rediscovery. 1
NB94 .B62 1985 Greek sculpture : the classical period : a handbook / 1
NB94 + B76 Anticlassicism in Greek sculpture of the fourth century B. C. 1
NB94 .D66 2005 Greek sculpture and the problem of description / 1
NB94 .G47 1992 The Getty Kouros Colloquium : Athens, 25-27 May 1992 / 1
NB94 .H3 1983 Transformations in Hellenistic art, Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, South Hadley, Massachusetts, February 3-March 18, 1983 / 1
NB94 +L37 The marine thiasos in Greek sculpture / 1