Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3064 .L44 1981 The lives of the Greek poets / 1
PA3064 .M4 Les poëtes antiques : études morales et littéraires / 1
PA3064 .S36 2004 The first poets : lives of the ancient Greek poets / 1
PA3067 .M35 2001 Making silence speak : women's voices in Greek literature and society / 1
PA3067 .S69 1989 The woman and the lyre : women writers in classical Greece and Rome / 1
PA3070 Siren and the Sage : Knowledge and Wisdom in Ancient Greece and China. 1
PA3070 .B75 2005eb Hyperboreans : myth and history in Celtic-Hellenic contacts / 1
PA3070 .B868 2004 Babylon, Memphis, Persepolis : eastern contexts of Greek culture / 1
PA3070 .C36 2004 Greek mythography in the Roman world / 1
PA3070 .C36 2004eb Greek mythography in the Roman world / 1
PA3070 .H38 2013 Greece and Mesopotamia : Dialogues in Literature. 1
PA3071 .K58 1993 The oldest dead white European males and other reflections on the classics / 1
PA3074 .F56 1998 The birth of literary fiction in ancient Greece / 1
PA3074 .H64 1992 Dangerous voices : women's laments and Greek literature / 1
PA3074 .P47 1994 Persuasion : Greek rhetoric in action / 1
PA3074 .P47 1994eb Persuasion : Greek rhetoric in action / 1
PA3079 .D26 From Archilochus to Pindar: papers on Greek literature of the Archaic Period 1
PA3079 .F713 1975 Early Greek poetry and philosophy; a history of Greek epic, lyric, and prose to the middle of the fifth century 1
PA3079 .P63 1984 The early Greek poets and their times / 1
PA3081 On Coming After : Studies in Post-Classical Greek Literature and its Reception.
A Guide to Hellenistic Literature.
Seeing double : intercultural poetics in Ptolemaic Alexandria /