Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3461 .B8 Le theatre des Grecs, / 1
PA3461 .B8 2 Le theatre des Grecs, 1
PA3461 .B8 5 The Greek theatre of Father Brumoy. 1
PA3461 .B8 8 Théatre des Grecs / 1
PA3461 .C7 1943 Fifteen Greek plays, 1
PA3461 .G8 The complete Greek tragedies: 1
PA3462 .N28 Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta, 1
PA3462 .S6 Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta. 1
PA3463 .S6 1893 Specimens of Greek tragedy. 1
PA3464 .R63 2017 The other Olympians : philosophers and poets at the ancient Greek games / 1
PA3465 .A2 +1855 Poetarum comicorum Graecorum fragmenta / 1
PA3465 .A2 2007 Broken laughter : select fragments of Greek comedy / 1
PA3465 .A2 2011 Fragments of old comedy / 1
PA3465.A2 E2 The fragments of attic comedy after Meineke, Bergk, and Kock. 1
PA3469.C48 C48 2002 The Chreia and ancient rhetoric : classroom exercises / 1
PA3469.C48 C49 2012eb The Chreia and ancient rhetoric : commentaries on Aphthonius's Progymnasmata / 1
PA3469.C48 C5 1986 The Chreia in ancient rhetoric / 1
PA3469.D5 B4 v.3 Ideé parfaite de l'amitié : suite de reflexions. 1
PA3469.W8 P1 Greek wit; a collection of smart sayings and anecdotes, 1
PA3473 .L8 1949 The letters of Alciphron, Aelian and Philostratus; 1