PA3443 .B93 2018
Greek lyric : a selection / |
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PA3443 .D5
Anthologia lyrica : supplementum, addenda et corrigenda fasciculorum I-VI / |
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PA3443 .E2
Lyra graeca; being the remains of all the Greek lyric poets from Eumelus to Timotheus excepting Pindar, |
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PA3443 .F2
Greek lyric poetry, a complete collection of the surviving passages from the Greek song-writers; |
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PA3443 .G1 1939
Selections from the Greek lyric poets |
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PA3443 .P13 1962
Poetae melici Graeci; Alcmanis, Stesichori, Ibyci, Anacreontis, Simonidis, Corinnae, poetarum minorum reliquias, carmina popularia et convivialia quaeque adespota feruntur. |
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PA3443 .P13L
Lyrica Graeca selecta; |
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PA3443 .P7 1890
Odes from the Greek dramatists, translated into lyric metres by English poets and scholars, |
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PA3443 .S4 1898
Sicilian idyls and other verses, translated from the Greek, |
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PA3443 .S8 1974
Supplementum lyricis Graecis : poetarum lyricorum Graecorum fragmenta quae recens innotuerunt / |
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PA3443 .W4
Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum Cantati, |
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PA3445.E3 E2
Elegy and iambus, being the remains of all the Greek elegiac and iambic poets from Callinus to Crates, excepting the choliambic writers, with the Anacreontea, |
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PA3445.L6 +E3
Some Greek love poems |
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PA3445.M5 S6
Greek melic poets, |
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PA3451 .W6
Bvcolici graeci; |
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PA3457 .A62 1965
The Greek anthology; Hellenistic epigrams. |
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PA3457 .E5
Epigrammata Graeca / |
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PA3457 .F91
Epigrammata, Greek inscriptions in verse from the beginnings to the Persian Wars, |
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PA3457 .K13
Epigrammata Graeca ex lapidibus conlecta. |
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PA3457 .P3
Further Greek epigrams : epigrams before A.D. 50 from the Greek anthology and other sources, not included in Hellenistic epigrams or The garland of Philip / |
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