Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3867 .Z8 1897 Index Andocideus, Lycurgeus, Dinarcheus; 1
PA3868.A47 W66 Antigonos von Karystos / 1
PA3869 1914 Antiphontis Orationes et fragmenta ; 1
PA3869 .A17 1997 The speeches / 1
PA3869 .A3 1998 Antiphon & Andocides / 1
PA3869 .D6 1954 Discours, suivis des fragments d'Antiphon le sophiste. 1
PA3869 .D7 Antiphon : a study in argumentation / 1
PA3869 .G34 2002eb Antiphon the Athenian : oratory, law, and justice in the age of the Sophists / 1
PA3869 .H4 Antiphon aus Rhamnus / 1
PA3869 .P4 1984 Antiphon & Lysias / 1
PA3869 .V2 1895 Index Antiphontevs 1
PA3870 .A23 1992 The Metamorphoses of Antoninus Liberalis : a translation with a commentary / 1
PA3870.A34 A65 2006 Carmen astrologicum elegiacum / 1
PA3870 .A5 1569 Hoi en tē thētorikē technē Koryphaioi, Aphthonios, Hermogenēs, D. Longinos. Aphthonivs, Hermogenes, & Dionysivs Longinvs, praestantissimi artis rhetorices magistri, 1
PA3870 .A5 1586 Aphthonii sophistae Progymnasmata / 1
PA3870.A55 A28 Gods and heroes of the Greeks : The library of Apollodorus / 1
PA3870 .A7 1921 Apollodorus, The library, 1
PA3870 .A83 1975 The library of Greek mythology / 1
PA3871 .A2 A7413 1981 Apollonius Dyscolus : the Syntax of Apollonius Dyscolus. 1
PA3871.A2 A7433 1982 Ancient philosophy and grammar : the Syntax of Apollonius Dyscolus / 1