Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA4035 + E8 1827 Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem. Ad fidem exempli romani editi / 1
PA4035 +E8i 1828 Index in Eustathii commentarios in Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam. Studio Matthaei. 1
PA4035 .N5i 1967 Peri Iliakēs stigmēs [romanized]. Reliquiae emendatiores. 1
PA4035 .N5o 1967 Nicanoris Peri Odysseiakēs stigmēs [romanized]. Reliquiae emendatiores. 1
PA4035 .P4 2007eb Ion, or, On the Iliad / 1
PA4035.P7 Porphyry's On the cave of the nymphs in its intellectual context / 1
PA4035.P7 Q4713 2011eb Porphyry's Homeric questions on The Iliad : text, translation, commentary / 1
PA4037 Cheiron's way : youthful education in Homer and tragedy /
Poetry in speech : orality and Homeric discourse /
Homer the theologian : Neoplatonist allegorical reading and the growth of the epic tradition /
Homer : the resonance of epic /
Becoming Achilles : child-sacrifice, war, and misrule in the Iliad and beyond /
Reading Homer's Iliad
The hippos of Troy why Homer never talked about a horse.
PA4037.A2 B5 1735a An enquiry into the life and writings of Homer. 1
PA4037.A2 K55 1816 Prolegomena ad Homerum : sive de carminum homericorum origine auctore et aetate itemque de priscae linguae progressu et praecoci maturitate / 1
PA4037.A2 P4 1884 Prolegomena ad Homerum, sive, De operum Homericorum prisca et genuina forma variisque mutationibus et probabili ratione emendandi / 1
PA4037.A2 P413 1985 Prolegomena to Homer, 1795 / 1
PA4037.A2 R2 Observations on the poems of Homer and Virgil : a discourse representing the excellencies of those works; and the perfections in general of all heroick action. / 1
PA4037.A2 W6813 1985 Prolegomena to Homer, 1795 / 1
PA4037.A2 .W777 2015eb Homer and the question of strife from Erasmus to Hobbes / 1
PA4037.A2 W8 1859 Prolegomena ad Homerum, sive, de operum Homericorum prisca et genuina forma variisque mutationibus et probabili ratione emendandi / 1
PA4037 + A38 1995 The Ages of Homer : a tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule / 1
PA4037 .A43 Homer; the origins and the transmission, 1
PA4037.A5 Ilias Latina : text, interpretation, and reception /
Homers Ilias. Gesamtkommentar (Basler Kommentar/BK) /
Homer and the good ruler in antiquity and beyond /
PA4037.A5 A487 2014 Homer on the gods and human virtue : creating the foundations of classical civilization / 1