PA4030 .I8 1769
L'Iliade d'Omero / |
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L'Iliade. |
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PA4030 .S8 1899
La Ilíada / |
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PA4033 .F5
Compositions of John Flaxman, sculptor: being designs in illustration of the Iliad of Homer / |
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PA4033 .P2
[Speculum heroicum principis omnium temporum poëtarum Homeri, id est argumenta xxiiij librorum Iliados in quibus veri principis imago poëticè, elegantissime exprimitur] = Les XXIIII livres d'Homere reduict en tables demonstratives figurées / |
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PA4033 .S6 2011
The Iliad in a nutshell : visualizing epic on the Tabulae Iliacae / |
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Heraclitus : Homeric problems / |
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PA4035 .A2 E65
Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem (scholia vetera) Recensuit Hartmut Erbse. |
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PA4035.A3 L94
Scholia in Homeri Odysseae A 1-309 auctiora et emendatiora. |
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PA4035.A35 P3 1998
Centons homériques = Homerocentra / |
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PA4035.A4 P6 1996
Essay on the life and poetry of Homer / |
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PA4035.A75 P51
Antike Dikussionen über die beiden Nekyiai. |
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PA4035 + E8 1827
Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem. Ad fidem exempli romani editi / |
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PA4035 +E8i 1828
Index in Eustathii commentarios in Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam. Studio Matthaei. |
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PA4035 .N5i 1967
Peri Iliakēs stigmēs [romanized]. Reliquiae emendatiores. |
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PA4035 .N5o 1967
Nicanoris Peri Odysseiakēs stigmēs [romanized]. Reliquiae emendatiores. |
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PA4035 .P4 2007eb
Ion, or, On the Iliad / |
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Porphyry's On the cave of the nymphs in its intellectual context / |
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PA4035.P7 Q4713 2011eb
Porphyry's Homeric questions on The Iliad : text, translation, commentary / |
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Cheiron's way : youthful education in Homer and tragedy / Poetry in speech : orality and Homeric discourse / Homer the theologian : Neoplatonist allegorical reading and the growth of the epic tradition / Homer : the resonance of epic / Becoming Achilles : child-sacrifice, war, and misrule in the Iliad and beyond / Reading Homer's Iliad The hippos of Troy why Homer never talked about a horse. |
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