Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA6047 .R64 2015 The closure of space in Roman poetics : empire's inward turn / 1
PA6047 .R67 Backgrounds to Augustan poetry : Gallus, elegy, and Rome / 1
PA6047 .S278 2014eb Il Carmen Saliare : indagini filologiche e riflessioni linguistiche / 1
PA6047 .S3 Medieval Latin lyrics, 1
PA6047 .S4 The Roman poets of the Augustan age, 1
PA6047 .S4 1937 The Roman poets of the Augustan age: Horace and the elegiac poets; 1
PA 6047 S4r The Roman poets of the Republic / 1
PA 6047 S4r 4 The Roman poets of the Republic / by W.Y. Sellar. 1
PA 6047 S4r 8 The Roman poets of the Republic; 1
PA 6047 S4r 12 The Roman poets of the Republic, 1
PA6047 .S46 2013 Exemplary traits : reading characterization in Roman poetry / 1
PA6047 .S5 Roman poetry, 1
PA6047 .S9 1962 Critical essays on Roman literature: elegy and lyric. 1
PA6047 .T9 Latin poetry: lectures delivered in 1893 on the Percy Turnbull memorial foundation in the Johns Hopkins university, 1
PA6047 .T9 1904 Latin poetry : lectures delivered in 1893 on the Percy Turnbull Memorial Foundation in the Johns Hopkins University / 1
PA6047 .W1 The wandering scholars / 1
PA6047 .W1 1945 The wandering scholars / 1
PA6047 .W1 1949 The wandering scholars, 1
PA6047 .W37 2008 Taking back the text : poetic technique in Catullus, Propertius and Tibullus / 1
PA6047 .W4 1993 Promised verse : poets in the society of Augustan Rome / 1