Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA6163.R7 1927 The life of Rome, 1
PA6163 .W74 Roman culture; weapons and the man. 1
PA6164 .A5 Sources and analogues of Old English poetry : the major Latin texts in translation / 1
PA6164 .B77 2007 Reading Latin poetry aloud : a practical guide to two thousand years of verse / 1
PA6164 .G6 1949 The Latin poets / 1
PA6164 .H2 The Latin portrait, an anthology 1
PA6164 .H713 The satires of Horace and Persius; a verse translation 1
PA6164 .L38 1995 Latin lyric and elegiac poetry : an anthology of new translations / 1
PA6164 .L38 2019 Latin lyric and elegiac poetry : an anthology of new translations / 1
PA6164 .L74 Latin poetry in verse translation; from the beginnings to the Renaissance. 1
PA6164 .P67 1988 Priapea : poems for a phallic god / 1
PA6164 .P7 Poetical translations. 1
PA6164 .R63 Roman poetry, from the Republic to the Silver Age / 1
PA6164 .W1 Mediaeval Latin lyrics, 1
PA6164 .W1 1930 Mediaeval Latin lyrics / 1
PA6165 .D8 1942 The complete Roman drama; all the extant comedies of Plautus and Terence, and the tragedies of Seneca, in a variety of translations, 1
PA6165 .F58 1999 Five comedies / 1
PA6165 .H3 An anthology of Roman drama, 1
PA6165 .R6 1965 Roman drama / 1
PA6166 .P36 1994 In praise of later Roman emperors : the Panegyrici Latini : introduction, translation, and historical commentary, with the Latin text of R.A.B. Mynors / 1