Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA8310.E5 A633 1986 Waltharius / 1
PA8310 .E54 A6 2007 Petronius Rediuiuus et Helias Tripolanensis : id est Petronius Rediuiuus Quod Heliae Tripolanensis Uidetur Necnon Fragmenta (Alia) Heliae Tripolanensis. 1
PA8310.F35 E5 1989 Fasciculus morum : a fourteenth-century preacher's handbook / 1
PA8310.F7 The humblest sparrow : the poetry of Venantius Fortunatus / 1
PA8310.F8 D46 Fulcoii Beluacensis Utriusque De nuptiis Christi et ecclesiae libri septem. 1
PA8310 .G2 1978 The poems of Walter of Wimborne [i.e. Gauterus de Wymburnia] 1
PA8310.G3 A713 1996 The Alexandreis of Walter of Châtillon : a twelfth-century epic : a verse translation / 1
PA8310.G4 A713 Life of Merlin. Vita Merlini. 1
PA8323.E5 R6 1595a A record of auncient histories. 1
PA8330.G65 .L488 2010 Letters of Robert Grosseteste. 1
PA8330.G85 H97 1997 The capture of Constantinople : the Hystoria Constantinopolitana of Gunther of Pairis / 1
PA8330.H7 E5 1974 The Hisperica famina : a new critical edition with English translation and philological commentary / 1
PA8340 Las ocho leyendas / 1
PA8340 .A1 1906 Hrotsvithae Opera 1
PA8340.A15 H76 Hrotsvithae Opera. 1
PA8340 .A19 1923 The plays of Roswitha 1
PA8340 .A225 The plays of Hrotswitha of Gandersheim / 1
PA8340.A65 P37 1985 Hrotsvitha : Dulcitius and Paphnutius / 1
PA 8340 + H14 Hroswitha of Gandersheim; her life, times, and works, and a comprehensive bibliography. 1
PA8340 .H74 2004 Hrotsvit of Gandersheim : contexts, identities, affinities, and performances / 1