Call Number (LC) Title Results
Panton 81 1217-2 The very famous Czech 20th century masses. 1
Parole Divine 20101123 Russian and Greek icons and works of art. 1
PB Teaching modern foreign languages at advanced level / 1
PB1 .A5 ACTFL annual bibliography of books and articles on pedagogy in foreign languages. 1
Your match would be here.
PB1 +M65 MLA directory of periodicals: a guide to journals and series in languages and literatures. 1
PB1 +M68 MLA international bibliography of books and articles on the modern languages and literatures. 1
PB1 .M69 v.100 One hundred years of MLR : general and comparative studies / 1
PB1 .N44 2010eb Negotiating language education policies : educators as policymakers / 1
PB6 .M6 Transactions and proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America.
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.
Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America.
PB6.M6 F94 The fruits of the MLA. 1
PB 6 M68 1930 Studies in modern language teaching; reports prepared for the modern foreign language study and the Canadian committee on modern languages, 1
PB 6 M8 German frequency word book, based on Kaeding's Häufigkeitswörterbuch der deutschen sprache, 1
PB11 .C37 1996 The MLA guide to the job search : a handbook for departments and for PhDs and PhD candidates in English and foreign languages / 1
PB13 .J689 2015 Bélisaire : Tragédie en cinq actes et en vers.
Sylla : Tragédie en cinq actes et en vers.
PB13 .V658 2015 Sophonisbe : Tragédie.
Jules César : Tragédie en trois actes traduite par Voltaire.
Irène : Tragédie.
PB 15 G7 Old and new; sundry papers, 1
PB35 Teaching and Learning History.
Multicultural Language Education : From Research into Practice.
PB35 .A35 Advances in the teaching of modern languages. 1
PB35 .A93 2020 Audiovisual translation in applied linguistics : educational perspectives / 1
PB35 .B1 The teaching of modern languages, 1